Weave with Colors You Usually Avoid
October 2015
"Weave with Colors You Usually Avoid" was the challenge suggested by Daraby. This time she will start us off.
Darby does not like pink and wine but they certainly look great here.
Really fantastic work!
Ronnie doesn't like black and yellow together but she sure made it work.
Love the pin wheel design.
Orange and Dark green almost wash each other out in this runner by Terry.
The pattern was fun to weave.
This is not typical of Leila at all. She is usually a riot of colors and not this tame white.
Still the results are her usual wonderful work.
Carie was able to join us today. This was not her challenge but rather a sample of some weaving she will be studying at Convergence this summer. Lovely.
It is wonderful to see the ways the different colorss work with the warp.