Light and Dark
April 2014
"Light and Dark" was the challenge suggested by Darby. As it was her challenge we let her go first.

This was Darby's answer to the challenge. Very pretty table runner and it is certainly light and dark

She says never again but we think she should. It is a wonderful piece.

20/2 cotton is both warp and weft in this satin weave runner by Terry.

He calls it "V" for victory because the dots and dashes in the design are a "V" in Morse Code.

Ronnie once again worked her magic with chenille. She is truly a master weaver in that respect.

Love the subtleness of the colors.

Leila must have a treasure trove of exotic yarns and she knows how to blend them. Terrific.

Everything seems to work together for her. Some of us wish we had her courage.

Feeling that the table runner was not quite meeting the challenge Terry wove these place mats.

All cotton with a definite contrast.

Barbara certainly has light and dark threads in there.

both in the warp and the weft. Bravo!
