What if . . .
October 2016
"What if . . . " was suggested by Ronnie. Again the responses were extremely varied. We will start with Ronnie.
Ronnie came up with this very unique Bateman weave. She has found a book that that she is very taken with.
This is a real winner. She is the Queen of chenile.
Terry also spins. He thought it would be a challenge to use his homespun in both the warp and weft. The sheep breed is Blue Face Licester.
The weft was hand dyed. He hope to capture the heather nature of the warp but that didn't happen.
Leila really extended her repetoire of weaves. The curves are sesational.
The cone of yarn in the picture is the warp that was used. Who would have thought of that color combination? Leila would, that's who!
Darby's "What if ..." she unwove an earlier rug (she didn't like it) and rewove it.
Love the twill. It really works this time. Wish we could find another source for those selvage wefts.