"Inspired by Kay Sekimachi"
"Inspired by Kay Sekimachi" was the Claudia'a challenge.
Claudia did this terrific wall hanging in colors that she thought Kay Sekimachi would use.
Really wonderful piece. Photo doesn't really show how large the piece is. It is about 2.5 feet by 5.
Ronnie too used the colors that she found in a sample of Kay's work. No one does chenille so beautifully as Ronnie.
And it is so beautifully soft to touch.
Terry notice that Kay, in one of the videos, wove some pieces with tables. So, haveing a set of tablets on hand, he set up a couple of warps.
The learning curve was a little steep but he eventually got the hang of it.
Carol was inspired by the colors Kay used. This sumptuous silk scarf was the result of the inspiration.
So very lovely. Hard to keep our hands off of it.