Our Monthly Challenges:

Future Challenges

Elegant Diamond - Claudia

Growing out of the Stripe

Inner Motion

Into the Light


Shifting Harmonies

Sweet and Sour

Textured Rhythm

Past Challenges

June 2024 - "Riding the Waves"

May 2024 - "A Step Further"

April 2024 - "Along the River's Edge"

March 2024 - "Pastel"

February 2024 - "Do What You Love"

January 2024 - "Doodles"

June 2023 - "Fibonaci"

May 2023 - "The Colors of Summer, Spring, Winter or Fall"

April 2023 - "An Interruption"

February 2023 - "Flower Power"

March 2023 - "Cooking with Gas"

Novemver 2022 - "The Holly and the Ivy"

October 2022 - "What's Your Astrological Sign"

September 2022 - "Inspired by Kay Sekimachi"

July 2022 - "Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme"

June 2022 - "Amazing Lace"

May 2022 - "Jumping Through Hoops"

April 2022 - "Show Me Some Love"

April 2022 - "Show Me Some Love"

February 2022 - "Variations on the flag of my ancestors"

February 2022 - "Complements/Compliments"

January 2022 - "I am finally going to do something with that yarn I have had forever!"

November 2021 - A Design Structure from an Ancient Source

August 2021 - Favorite Monochrome

July 2021 - Pictures at an Exhibition

June 2021 - Georgia O'Keeffe

April 2021 - There is sadness, there is peace

"Two roads diverged in the woods..." It can be anything about "The Road Not Taken" you wish to explore. - Claudia
No pictures
Your favorite Impressionist paint(ing)(er) - Terry
No Pictures

Ships in the night - Carol
No Pictures

A safe place - Leila
No Pictures

October 2020 - Smoke Gets In Your Eyes

September 2020 - First Memory

September 2020 - Deep Ble Sea

May 2020 - Painting by Deborah Doering

March 2020 - Circus

April 2020 - Stonewall

February 2020 - Glam Grunge

January 2020 - 2 or 3 Shafts in Black and White or Other Colors

November 2019 - Try it again

October 2019 - Weaving Through Traffic

September 2019 - Nothing Rhymes with Orange

August 2019 - 4X4X4X4

July 2019 - Square

June 2019 - Not the Same Old Thing

March 2019 - The Elements: Earth, wind, water and fire. Weaver's choice

February 2019 - A Journey

November 2018 - Carry It or Tote It,

October 2018 - Resurrection,

August 2018 - Outside the Box

July 2018 - Ragtime

June 2018 - "Silk Purse out of a Sows Ear"

April 2018 - "Frank Sinatra"

April 2018 - "Minimal Color Contrast"
February 2018 - "Bookmark"
January 2018 - "Let there be light"
December 2017 - Birds
November 2017 - "I know that I have lived"
September 2017 - Yellow Brick Road
August 2017 - Inspired by a Poem
July 2017 - An Odd Number
June 2017 - A Small Pattern
April 2017 - Freedom
March 2017 - Lumpy and Bumpy
February 2017 - Continuation
December 2016 - Thick and thin
October 2016 - What if . . .
September 2016 - Weave a Recipe (must use a food recipe and bring a copy for everyone).

August 2016 - Use Your leftovers.
May 2016 - American Beauty.
June 2016 - A Night at the Movies.
May 2016 - Weave with Colors You Usually Avoid.
March 2016 - Flowers
February 2016 - Random warp any structure
December 2015 - Straight Draw Magic
October 2015 - Weave for a Celebrity
September 2015 - Any Holiday but Christmas
June 2015 - Inspired by a Trip
May 2015 - Inspired by a Picture
March 2015 - Twills and More Twills
February 2015 - Change Fiber and Weave
January 2015 - Let's Make Neutrals Sing
October 2014 - A View of Nature
September 2014 - Round and Round it goes and where it stops . .
June 2014 - All the colors you can combine
April 2014 - Light and Dark

March 2014 - Coney Island

February 2014 - Anything without a mistake

January 2014 - The Sky


Inspired by a Poem
August 2017

"Inspired by a Poem" was the challenge suggested by Ronnie. She will start off. Note that the text of the poem (or at least part of it) will appear after the first image.

"Trees" by Ogden Nash
I think that I shall never see
A billboard lovely as a tree
Indeed unless the billboards fall
I'll never see a tree at all

There are certainly no billboards here. The trees are all kinds in this magnificent scarf.

"The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" by T. S. Eliot

Almost at times the Fool.

I grow old … I grow old …
I shall wear the bottoms of my trousers rolled.

Shall I part my hair behind? Do I dare to eat a peach?
I shall wear white flannel trousers, and walk upon the beach.
I have heard the mermaids singing, each to each.

I do not think that they will sing to me.

I have seen them riding seaward on the wave
Combing the white hair of the waves blown back
When the wind blows the water white and black.
We have lingered in the chambers of the sea
By sea-girls wreathed with seaweed red and brown
Till human vices wake us, and we drown.

And all the elements are in this fabulous rug. The flannel trousers bottom rolled, the peach. A triumph.

From Candide
Finale: Make Our Garden Grow
Lyrics - Richard Wilbur

You've been a fool and so have I
But come and be my wife
And let us try before we die
To make some sense of life
We're neither pure nor wise nor good
We'll do the best we know
We'll build our house and chop our wood
And make our garden grow
And make our garden grow
I thought the world was sugar cake
For so our master said
But now I'll teach my hands to bake
Our loaf of daily bread
We're neither pure nor wise nor good
We'll do the best we know
We'll build our house and chop our wood
And make our garden grow
And make our garden grow

Let dreamers dream what worlds they please
These edens can't be found
The sweetest flowers
The fairest trees
Are grown in solid ground
We're neither pure nor wise nor good
We'll do the best we know
We'll build our house and chop our wood
And make our garden grow
And make our garden grow

The "Blooming Leaf" pattern fits perfectly for the poem. And the weaving is superb. Great Claudia.

Romance Sonambulo
Fredeirico Garcia Lorca
Quoted here are the first verses in original Spanish and then in English.

Verde que te quiero verde.
Verde viento. Verdes ramas.
El barco sovre la mar
Y el caballo en la montaña.
Con la sombra en la cintura
Ella sueña en su baranda,
Verde carne, pelo verde,
Con ojos de fria plata.
Verde que te quiero verde.
Bajo la luna gitana,
Las cosas la están mirando
Y ella no puede mirarias.

Green, how I want you green.
Green wind. Green branches.
The ship out on the sea
And the horse on the mountain.
With the shade around her waist
She dreams on her balcony.
Green flesh, her hair green.
With eyes of cold silver.
Green how I want you green.
Under the gypsy moon
All thing are watching her
And she cannot see them.

A spectacular weaving for a spectacular poem. Cotton warp and alpaca weft. Wonderful.

An Autumn Greeting - Anonymous

"Come," said the Wind to the Leaves one day.
"Come over the meadow and we will play.
Put on your dress of red and gold.
For summer is gone and the days grow cold.

Really wonderful autumn colors in this beautiful scarf. We think Carie nailed it with this one. Warp is 10/2 tencel and the weft is 16/2 bamboo.

Emily Dickenson - 986

A narrow Fellow in the Grass
Occasionally rides -
You may have met Him - did you not
His notice sudden is -

The Grass divides as with a Comb -
A spotted shaft is seen -
And then it closes at your feet
And opens further on -

He likes a Boggy Acre
A Floor too cool for Corn -
Yet when a Boy, and Barefoot -
I more than once at Noon
Have passed, I thought, a Whip lash

Unbraiding in the Sun
When stooping to secure it
It wrinkled, and was gone -

Several of Nature's People
I know, and they know me -
I feel for them a transport
Of cordiality -

But never met this Fellow
Attended, or alone
Without a tighter breathing
And Zero at the Bone

The varigated weft is Terry's handspun wool. Warp is commercial Cotton. Does it look like snake skin?