Nothing Rhymes with Orange
February 2019
"Nothing Rhymes with Orange" was the Carol's challenge. She will start off.
Carol wove this terrific rep weave mat. She said that orange and more orange goes best togeether.
Isn't it wonderful the way the warp makes it look three dimensional?
Ronnie recalled a customer of hers who was dressed in a flourescent orange top who bought a purple scarf of hers and promptly put it on declaring that organge goes with everything.
Here the purble and orange DO go beautifully together.
Terry had a struggle finding the right color to go with the orange warp. The complementary blue seemed to work best.
The pattern was from "The Stubinitsky Code" and he vowed never to try it again. Just too difficult changing the tie up on the floor loom when changing the pattern. Would work better on a table loom.
Leila always surprises. The weaving is great and the finish work is so unique.
Just look at the fantastic macrame fringes. Wonderful!
Claudia DID find a rhyme for Orange. And she included it in the poem she created for this piece. Too clever for words. 'Sporange' refers to an organ or single cell producing spores.
The poem reads as follows.
Nothing Rhymes with Orange
Pitying the unrhymable orange?
"Au contraire," points out M. La Phalange.
"Considered archaic
and slightly prosaic,
Oxford English contains the word 'sporange.'"
Darby rather than finding a rhyme found colors that go with orange.
Wonderful colors!