Cooking with Gas
March 2023
"Cooking with Gase" was the challenge suggested by Ronnie
Ronnie had fun with "GAS". She picked color that began with the letters in GAS: that is Grey, Azalea and Spice.
And she created this lovely chenille scarf. Great colors that work so well together.
Terry used the flame pattern from a gas stove as inspiration for this silky scarf.
It is woven with fine bamboo yarn on twelve shafts.
Carol wanted to weave bookmarks for an bokmark exhange at H.G.A. this summer. She tried several times to get the weaving correct on an inkle loom.
By the fifth try she finally had everything going her way and she was "cooking with gas!"
Claudia's sister has a birthday coming soon so Claudia made this fabulous scarf for her.
Claudia always comes up with surprising and beautiful fiber combinations.
Katy showed us this incredible rug with a flame pattern. It was woven on a shaft switching loom.
The photo in this image shows it being woven. WOW! Great work Katy.