Weaving through Traffic - October 2019
"Weaving through Traffic" was the challenge suggested by Ronnie. She begins the show.

We think she captured the spirit of New York Traffic very well.

Absolutely she is a master of chenille. Some lucky person will get this at her next sale. How lovely.

Darby's answer was to weave wedge style. It shows the zig zag traffic patterns.

After getting this far she felt it was not her style so wrapped it up at this point. Still it is a fabulous piece. Kudos!

Carie is working on this mini tapestry weaving that shows the traffic patterns in midtown Manhattan. It is conveniently small for working while traveling.

She brought a completed small piece she did to show how it would work. Her color choices are spot on wonderful.

Terry pictured being in a vehicle and only seeing tail lights ahead (the colors in the warp) and switching back and forth in the lanes trying to get ahead.

Once again woven in 16/2 bamboo as a replacement for silk.

Claudia used her hand made paper for this essay on traffic. She put the paper through her printer to get the text which was an article about the heavy traffic expected during the General Assembly at the United Nations.

Some of the wefts are hand dyed rayon weaving she did a while back. Beautiful work. So poetic.

Leila saw the traffic patterns in the daylight. Again her use of all kinds of yarn is extraordinary.

You have to love and appreciate all the work that went into finishing the fringe. She is certainly brave to take on this meticulous treatment.

Carol has been working on learning Andean Pebble Weave on her inkle loom. She had success and made a lot of intricate tapes. These she sewed together to create the fabric for this bag.

So not only can she weave superbly but also she can sew!! We should all have such talent to come up with such a marvelous piece.
